Payment Of Fees
- All fees will be charged in advance from 1st of every month & must be paid by 15th of every month.
- All the students will have to pay 12 months' fee (April to March next year) for education as well as transportation charges.
- No deduction will be made on account of any holiday or temporary absence from any cause whatsoever.
- If the fee is not paid by 15th of the concerned month Rs.50/- will be charged upto 20th & after that Rs. 100/- will be charged upto the closing of the month. If the fee is not deposited that month Rs. 200/- per month will have to be deposited as late fee. After 3 months the name of the fee defaulter will be stricken off the school register. But if some how the concerned student is able to deposit the fee (3 months fee) he/she will have to under go the re-admission process deposit Rs. 1100/- as the penalty amount.
- Fee for the month of March will be collected along with the fees of February month.
- Under no condition will a student be permitted to sit for any examination if all dues are not cleared before in start of the examination.
The school has arranged conveyance for the children. Buses & Vans are available to meet the requirement of conveyance. It can not be discontinued during the year & the conveyance charges for the whole year will have to be paid including May & June months.